Monday, 5 December 2011

Live with missT

POLITICS it the name of the game!

You know sometimes i just wonder what goes through the mind of a political leaders in the morning once they wake up... wait now lets be a little more specific. Take Jacob Zuma for  instance; the man is an over achiever iv got to give him some credit but you know how there is always room for improvement, he should totaly take that into consideration.
Moving swiftly along i really feel for Mr Selebi i mean this mans name is really being dragged through the mud, in fact its more like quick sand , the more he tries to wiggle himself out the deeper he sinks.( shame the old man) I can imagne how he must have felt , you not everyone can stand tall and proud just before their final announcement of their jail term is on.. hell i would also play dead... lol i mean "collapse" hahahaha   

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