Tuesday, 13 March 2012

A night to remember... YOUR CINDERELLA STORY

Now that its time for matric ball its time to start planning your dress and what shoes your going to wear but most importantly who it is your going to the actuak ball with. As ms Berry im glad to announce that iv found a partner to the dance and Chanel totaly approves! there are a couple of things on my checklist that i must go through but i will definately update everyone on all the drama, choices and so on of my preparations...

kisses to all and here are some pics of dresses one should take a look at when looking for a dress!!

SOO send more of your topic favourites and ms C and ms B will be sure to post them for you!


Monday, 12 March 2012


Hey Gorgeous people!!
so lately miss Berry and myself have been busy,
Doing loads of reasearch, because remember this BLOG is yours and your opinion counts the most!

ONE thing that has crossed our minds recently is, a lot of males have approached us asking why we dont , have a mens section in our blog.

Miss Berry and myself's main FOcuss at the moment is the ladies but
we are looking into creating a MALE section for the guys, who would like us to dress them, maybe change up their style a little *wink*

later boys ! Berry 2 Chanel!!